
Orthopedic boot aircast dasboot
Orthopedic boot aircast dasboot

orthopedic boot aircast dasboot

When you are wearing an air cam walker, make sure to stay conscious of discomfort occurring to your foot.

Orthopedic boot aircast dasboot skin#

When wearing an air boot cast for a long period of time, make sure you are getting checked regularly by their physician to ensure that there isn’t skin irritation or the beginning stages of pressure sores. An example of this skin irritation is a pressure sore, which is a result of prolonged pressure on a specific spot on the body. If you over-inflate the air cells in the boot, it could possibly cause skin irritation to the area. It’s important to be knowledgeable about when too much inflation in your boot could cause harm to your injury.

orthopedic boot aircast dasboot

Since the aircast feature isn’t automatic, it allows you to inflate their air walker to the desired amount of pressure needed for comfort of the injury. How Much Inflation is too Much Inflation in Your Air Boot? Injury not listed above? Look at other common foot problems to help decipher if the air boot feature would benefit your injury. Recommended injuries to use the pneumatic air feature with: The air cast boot helps to contour around the leg ultimately reducing the movement within the your walker air boot or air ankle stirrup. This addition controls swelling, helps reduce pain and improves healing time. What exactly is the pneumatic feature? This air boot feature allows the individuals to pump air into the boot, compressing the injury.

Orthopedic boot aircast dasboot